Friday, May 8, 2009

The Age of the Stalker

So as I have been suggested to do, I am writing about stalkers. Mainly, how the Internet has aided in stalking people. Not in the criminal sense(although I do stalk Ms. Lamb...ha ha ha....), but in the sense that you try to find out everything about a person. This may sound cool for people you just met, if you want to find out information about them, but it borders on creepiness when you attempt to know everything about people you know already. Or if you stalk someone you like to see if they're in another relationship. Or if you try to be friends with someone just by knowing all their favorite TV shows and music. Just examples. Facebook (the link is probably blocked on school computers) has allowed for the stalking to run rampant. People who innocently post that their favorite band is Death Cab for Cutie and the All-American Rejects run the risk of being barraged by friend requests from people they don't know because of their musical taste. Or people who say that their favorite show is "Bones" run the risk of creepy kids who want to be forensic anthropolgists asking to be their friends so they can use their skeleton for their ninth grade science project. Crrepy indeed. I will sound like a parent, when I say this, but always be careful when putting seemingly innocent information out on Facebook, or the Internet in general. Creepers run wild!

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