Sunday, January 25, 2009

In Response to Blog Assignment of "This Blessed House"

After reading "This Blessed House" I recalled the last few pages where the religious artifacts were driving a wedge between Twinkle and Sanjeev. I couldn't help but think about the divisive aspects of organized religion. I personally find that organized religion can be very harsh on the spiritual life of a person. I do not agree with many of the things that the main stream Protestant church says is right or wrong (homosexuality, abortion, stem cell research, etc.), but I still believe in spiritual aspect of the church. I believe that Sanjeev represents the non-religious spiritualist (even though he never expresses spirituality) and Twinkle represents the Church because she keeps finding and keeping the religious artifacts.


  1. Well, I lost a comment I just posted. Ugh. Here's the gist: I think any time someone who is "Other" has to navigate a structured, organized cultural system, there's the potential for a sapping of the spirit. Sanjeev, at the end of the story, seems to take a "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" mentality, and to me that feels like a defeat. He seems defeated by that decision.
