Friday, March 13, 2009

Project Precis

My final project will be to make a short documentary discovering my global impact. I will track my water, electricity, food, and gasoline usage for a week, and then film my use for one day. I will use the averages from the week in my documentary and then possibly extrapolate my usage for a month, a year, etc. I hope to gain a more complete view of my footprint on the world.


  1. Cool. Sounds like you've got the idea down. I'm interested in how you're going to present the work. Mini-documentary, I'm does that mean you'll edit it and do a voiceover? Are you going to interview anybody? This could be an extremely cool project, especially if you indulge your inner documentary filmmaker!

  2. I want to add: your diligence in keeping up with your blog posts is duly noted and much appreciated.
