Friday, March 27, 2009

Week 10: Literary Culture

If you have not heard of Harry Potter or Twilight, then you are lame. Just kidding, but you have been under a rock somewhere. I have read all the books in both series and am a fan of both authors, but I was wondering, which has had the greater effect on teen culture. Harry Potter films on average have grossed nearly $900,000,000 per movie, with only five movies released and the franchise is the second highest grossing franchise in history (Second to James Bond, with 22 movies, average gross: $200,000,000). With all movies, merchandise, and books (400 million printed copies) accounted for, the Harry Potter brand is worth about $15 billion dollars, an expensive brand to say the least. Onward to Twilight. The Twilight series, with just 4 books, compared to Potter's 7, has sold 42 million copies worldwide, approximately 10% of Potter. The first film, titled "Twilight", grossed about $375,000,000 about 42% of the average Potter film grossing, although Twilight had a significantly lower budget ($37 million).

Furthermore, the Twilight series has been compared to the Harry Potter series. They say that reading the books in unnecessary and to just watch the movies instead. Harry Potter is better literarily I think Harry Potter wins! P.S. Stephen King said Meyer can't write.

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