Monday, February 2, 2009


Similar to week 1's post, I am going to critque another companies blatant branding. Anyone not living under a rock will have seen at least one person wearing a shirt that has said Inspi(RED) or something similar, the important part being the (RED). The purpose of the (RED) campaign is to eliminate HIV/AIDS in Africa. Like last week, I agree with the purpose of the program, but the means to acheiving it are, in my opinion, less than honorable. When I visited the (RED) website, the third thing on the navigation bar is shop (with Home being number 1 and Learn being number 2). Shopping is how I can eliminate AIDS? Wow, I better go buy something or I am a bad person. This is probably what (RED)'s creators were hoping to get out of shoppers. I have looked at (RED) products as a way to do something to help out if I purchase something, but a surprisingly small percent of the procedes go to (RED). The most recent example is a Dell Laptop. I am going to buy a laptop for college and I was looking a a Dell M1530 and one of the color options is Product (RED). I clicked that option and $25 of my purchase is donated. After customization (I customized this laptop to be ideal), the price can to a little less than $2500. That means that less than 1% of the purchase is donated. How can I defeats HIV/AIDS with less that 1%? Maybe if the whole world joins in, maybe...

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