Monday, February 2, 2009

Week 3: The World is Fat

After reading "The World is Fat," I understand some of the reasons why the world has come to gain so much weight and the number one reason is liquids. As we all know, not all liquids are bad. Water is the essential fluid, it gives life and helps maintain homeostasis in the human body and in the world. However, more popular drinks have replaced water as the number one form of hydration. I admit I have said, "I don't like the taste of water," but what I really enjoy is the sugary, syrupy taste of processed drinks (however, Alabaster's water has a distinct taste of lime because of the nearby quarry). As these drinks have grown more pervasive in society, the world has gotten fatter. Most people used to drink breast milk in the first year to 18 months and then drank water or milk during adolescence, and then beer, water, ale, milk, wine, etc. during adulthood However, in moderation, all of those things provide healthful benefits and that is why the obesity levels in early society were much lower than today. Now, Coca-Cola and Pepsi have at least 8 varieties of their name brand available at once (Coke, Diet Coke, Coke Zero, Cherry Coke, Diet Cherry Coke, Cherry Coke Zero, Cherry Vanilla Coke, Diet Cherry Vanilla Coke, Caffeine Free Diet Coke, etc.) and the wheel of capitalism has made these popular drinks more avaiable, and thus, made people drink more, thus making them FAT!

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